Last update on May 18, 2021
Move During COVID-19 to Montréal
Moving is never an easy feat, but doing it during the sanitary crisis of COVID-19 adds many layers of complexity. Discover the recommendations of Québec’s housing organization (Société d’habitation du Québec) regarding a move during COVID-19 to Montréal, and everywhere else in Québec too, of course.
Professional moving companies apply those recommendations and suggest you do the same. It is for everyone’s health, and it is important for all people involved, you as well as the movers, to be honest during this particular situation involving a move during COVID-19 to Montréal.
Once again this year, it is recommended to avoid moving and to opt for a renewal of your lease. But if you really need to move, remember that moving services are considered essential services, and that everyone must respect the protective measures, at all times. Here are some reminders and recommendations to follow before, during and after a move.
Before the Move
The day before you move during COVID-19 to Montréal, call up your new landlord and inquire about the health of the current occupant of your future apartment. If they are sick, double your precautions at the moment of entering your new location and first do a good cleaning of the surfaces BEFORE entering your belongings.
At your current location, plan the movements of the people involved in your move, respecting the distance of 2 m between people. If possible, create a traffic path within your home to avoid people crossing each other (for example, entrance by the back and exit up front, near the moving truck). That way, contacts and crossings between people (you and the movers) will be reduced.
Place small objects and small boxes near the door, to reduce the traffic within the house. Those small items will used to fill gaps in the moving truck once the large and medium items have been loaded to ease up a move during COVID-19 to Montréal.
Spray a cleaner on the boxes to eliminate viruses and bacteria that might be there. Prepare masks, gloves, hydroalcoholic gel, and other cleaning products for the next day.
During the Move
For a move during COVID-19 to Montréal, it is not the time to call up friends who do not live in the same bubble; it is best to hire a professional company, respecting all health measures. Do not accept help from an infected person. If you believe an employee from a company you hired is infected, or that he does not respect the health instructions, call up the moving company right away to flag him.
ALWAYS wear a well-fitted mask, covering both nose and mouth. It is an excellent idea to use gloves for the handling of boxes and furniture. Once the loading has been completed, throw those gloves away and wash/disinfect your hands.
- Always have protection supplies and cleaning products at hand when making a move during COVID-19 to Montréal.
- Avoid all gatherings in rooms and respect at all times the distance of 2 m, except, of course, when it is absolutely not possible, like when moving furniture requires more than one person when you carry out a move during COVID-19 to Montréal.
- Avoid crossing people in corridors, to respect the physical distance, once again.
- During the moving operation, clean surfaces and other locations that are often touched, like door handles.
- Once your old residence has been emptied of all boxes and furniture, disinfect all surfaces (in the kitchen and bathroom, for example) and all door handles to leave a healthy environment.
At the Destination
Upon arrival at your new address, begin by a quick disinfection of door handles and surfaces before entering your boxes and furniture when making a move during COVID-19 to Montréal. Pay extra attention if you had news the previous tenant was sick.
Put on gloves to unload the truck and put the boxes and furniture in the right rooms, but unpack only the strict minimum for the first day. Meanwhile, make sure you clean/wipe all your furniture, while still wearing gloves.
Once the unloading has been completed and all your furniture has been wiped, change your clothes and wash them in hot water following a move during COVID-19 to Montréal.
Then you could spray and wipe all boxes again. Ideally, wait 24 hours before unpacking.
Do a complete and careful cleaning of the bathroom before using it, by disinfecting all the surfaces, the bath and the toilet, of course.
In Summary
As you can see, there are many special measures to be taken when making a move during COVID-19 to Montréal, or anywhere else in Québec. Professional movers, like Demenaris, follow all those rules and protect your health in priority, in addition to protecting your belongings.
If you do move during COVID-19 to Montréal, it is very important to respect all the safety measures and to do all you can to prevent the spread of the virus, at your old place as well as at your new one. Do not forget that you can be carrying the virus and have no symptom, even if you already had COVID-19 or if you had been vaccinated. If you have symptoms, say it honestly. It is much better to be honest than to be the source of an outbreak.
If you have more questions regarding our services during the pandemic, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to address any concern of yours.